Words Matter

Find our explainers below:
- “Illegal Immigration”
- “Refugee Crisis”
- “Just like us”
- Economic Effects of Migration
- Integration and Assimilation
- “Hard-working”
- “Migratised”
- Invasion, swarm, influx, threat
- Why am I being “tolerated”
- “Genuine”
- “Safe routes”, “safe country”
- Where are you actually from?
- “British Values”
- “Queue jumping”
- Migrants are not a “burden”
- “Contribution”
- “Voiceless”
- “Lived experience”
- What do we mean by “violence”?
- Asylum accommodation is not a “prison”
- “Migrants and refugees” versus “migrants, including refugees”
- Colonialism
- Decolonisation
- “Fairness”
- “Kindness”
- “Vulnerability”
- It’s not bad because it’s expensive, it’s bad because it’s inhumane
- Whataboutism
- “Legitimate concerns”
- “Terrorism”