Words Matter

Commission us to deliver a Words Matter workshop

Words Matter workshops will encourage you and other participants to reflect on the language you use and to discuss the impact language has on the wider public’s views on minoritised groups.


“Migrants’ Rights Network are a collaborative and nimble team to work with. They jump on calls to discuss briefs, they take the time to understand the ask or challenge and come back with proposals that work. We are on a continuous journey at Ben & Jerry’s to ensure that our words drive impact, in the right way, and MRN are crucial in that journey”.

-Ben & Jerry’s

Why Words Matter?

At the Migrants’ Rights Network, we are leading the way in calling for language change around refugees, or people seeking safety or a new life through our Words Matter campaign. This active demonisation and dehumanisation is contributing to an increase in hate and division in the UK, particularly towards migratised and racialised communities.

Over the past few years, the Government has fixated on migrants, including refugees – portraying them as threats to our public services and ways of life. The use of labels such as ‘illegal immigrants’, and the idea of ‘illegal migration’, has been used to push ahead with laws to criminalise refugees seeking safety in the UK. Opposition to hostile legislation has focused on changing immigration policy but very little energy has been spent on tackling the language and ideas that form the foundation of these policies. We are raising awareness of why these words are problematic and championing alternative words that can create a more inclusive society for all.

As part of this campaign, we now offer and deliver interactive Words Matter sessions. These sessions will encourage you and other participants to reflect on the language they use and discuss the impact language has on the wider public’s views on minoritised groups. We will not only provide information, but also offer participants the opportunity to voice their thoughts or lived experience around certain language. Collaboration is one of our core values, and this format allows us to discuss methods for change collectively.

We have delivered our acclaimed workshops to charities, social justice organisations, schools and grassroots groups including Ben & Jerry’s, the Paul Hamlyn Foundation and the Open Rights Group.

If you are interested in commissioning us to deliver a session, or would like further information, please contact [email protected]

“MRN have delivered a few ‘Words Matter’ and ‘Who is Welcome’ workshops to PHF’s team exploring the origins of the UK’s current immigration system, the language we use and their implications. We appreciated the facilitated discussions, thoughtful challenges, insightful questions, and especially the space to reflect on our individual experiences and collective understanding of this issue. We have later used these materials to support conversations with our trustees and advisors which have resulted in important reflections on how we frame and understand migration”.

-Paul Hamlyn Foundation


In terms of cost, this will cover preparation and resources as well as delivery, so please do let us know what your budget is.

If you are from a small or grassroots organisation, we offer a discounted and flexible fee for these sessions. Feel free to get in touch to discuss your requirements.

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