We’ve launched a podcast! Our podcast, Because You Were There, is designed to nurture a space for deeper, more meaningful conversations in a time of growing misinformation and anti-migrant rhetoric.
Our podcast explores the relationship between migration, colonialism, racism, queerphobia and other forms of identity. Because You Were There takes an in-depth look at the root of hostile immigration policies and borders in the UK and Europe, and who they are aimed at.
Episode 1: Patriotism and Migration
Does patriotism harm the struggle for migrant justice? In this first episode, the Migrants’ Rights Network’s Julia and Ana unpacked the concepts of ‘reclaiming Englishness’ and ‘British values’ and culture, and explored how these ultimately fuel division and alienate migrants and racialised people.

Episode 2: Gender, Queerness and Migration
Pride has lost its radical roots, and the experience of marginalised people, including queer migrants, is largely missing. To mark Pride month, Julia and Ana discussed MRN’s Who is Welcome: Gender Queerness and Migration campaign, which aims to disrupt harmful assumptions around gender, sexuality and migration. The discussion delved into the ongoing impact of racist, colonial-era perceptions of gender and queerness, and the severe policy implications for marginalised people in the UK immigration system.

Episode 3: Masculinity and Migration
In this episode, Julia spoke to MRN’s CEO, Fizza Qureshi, about the racism and Islamophobia being directed towards the single male migrant, which has become one of the most maligned groups of people in Western popular thought. They explored how even in ‘pro-migration’ spaces, empathy extends to women and children, but stops when it comes to men, especially when they are Black and Brown men.

Episode 4: Immigration Raids
Immigration raids are a fear mechanism. They are a form of racist State intimidation and divide racialised communities. Following the publication of our report on immigration raids, members of the MRN team- Fizza, Julia and Lauren- sat down with community campaigner, Son, to dissect the anatomy of immigration raids.
Listen on Spotify and Apple Podcasts
Check out our Who is Welcome and Hostile Office campaigns.