Words Matter

Words Matter Toolkit and Defying the Narrative

The fight for migrants’ rights is gearing up. We must take a firm stand against anti-migrant hate spouted by politicians. Now is the time to call for meaningful narrative change around migration and other marginalised groups. Using our Toolkit, we will be holding politicians and the media to account over how they talk about migrants, including refugees and people seeking asylum, and we need you to do the same.

  1. Hold the powerful to account
  2. Champion new, compassionate language
  3. Expose prejudice and division
  4. Give power to migrants
  5. Start meaningful conversations for change

Real change can only happen if we stand in solidarity with migrants and make conscious commitments to defy divisive rhetoric. 

  • Write to your local newspaper and call out any harmful language you see around migrants, including refugees and people seeking asylum. You can share our handy Words Matter Media Toolkit with them
  • Share our Words Matter Manifesto with your local representatives and party political branches. Why not ask them to make their Words Matter Pledge and commit to saying ‘no’ to anti-migrant hate
  • Help mobilise and educate your community on how to identify divisive narratives by commissioning a Words Matter workshop
  • Support capacity building and political education amongst migrant communities to create the change they want to see by donating to our work today

We cannot remain indifferent to the negative and divisive rhetoric any longer. Together, we can defy the narrative.

You can find out who your representatives are here:

UK: Find your MP

Scotland: Find your MSP

Wales: Find your MS

Northern Ireland: Find your MLA

You can also write to a Peer (House of Lords), an All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) or contact your local authority.

Download the below template as a Word Document here




Dear [Insert Name],

I am a constituent living in [Area/constituency]. I am writing to you to ask you to sign the Migrants’ Rights Network’s Words Matter pledge and to challenge the divisive language around migrants, including refugees. This is a very important issue to me because [insert your personal experience/motivations here].

The Migrants’ Rights Network is a UK charity that stands in solidarity with migrants in their fights for rights and justice. They have been leading the way in challenging the narrative through their Words Matter campaign because they have been appalled by the language that has been used by past Home Secretaries and politicians. Words like ‘illegal’, ‘genuine’ and ‘invasion’ have a huge detrimental impact on the lives of migrants. In partnership with migrants, they have created helpful explainers on why we should stop using such harmful rhetoric.

As your constituent, I am asking you to show your support for migrant communities by signing the pledge and taking a stand against hate. You can find all the information you need about their campaign and the pledge on their website.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

Once you make your Words Matter Pledge, you can display the following logos on your website and social media:

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