
Home Secretary launches Windrush scheme

The Home Secretary announced last week that legislation has been introduced to bring into force a package of measures under a Windrush scheme. A call to evidence to enable members of the Windrush generation to share their experiences and help shape a bespoke compensation scheme was also launched earlier this month. This will run until […]

New data rules ‘threaten immigration status for thousands’

Last week, MPs voted to exempt the Home Office from data protection rules that previously allowed people to access what information public authorities hold on them. This will make contesting immigration decisions more difficult than it currently is. The Data Protection Act 1998 gave individuals a right to access information held about them through a

OISC Diversity and Inclusion Scheme 2018 – 2022

The OISC has published its proposals to address equality over the next four years. The most significant change is the recognition that it will need to amend the language used in its own internal and external communication. The changes in wording are necessary in order to demonstrate understanding of the context and breadth of the range

MRN’s response to the Civil Society Strategy Consultation

Whilst arguments rage about the blatant disregard for civil society in Hungary and as the Open Society Foundation withdraws because of political interference, we need to be mindful of the relationship between civil society and government in the UK. We have already seen the Lobbying Act scare and intimidate some organisations, but it is critical

Police handing over crime victims to immigration enforcement

A BBC report has put police handling of migrants back into the spotlight. The report, which asked police forces around the UK “if they referred victims and witnesses of crime to the Home Office for immigration enforcement,” found that over half of the police forces (27 out of 45) who responded in fact did so.

Highest recorded number of suicides in detention last year

Close to 500 people tried to kill themselves in detention last year – the highest recorded number since the government started keep self-harm statistics in 2007. The newest records, obtained by advocacy group No Deportations, revealed that there were 446 suicide attempts. This horrific statistic joins a long list illustrating the UK’s dysfunctional detention system,

Roma, Gypsy and Traveller discrimination in Europe

Roma, gypsy and traveller communities have long been a target of systematic discrimination and marginalisation in Europe. Government agencies across countries – including the UK – practice ethnic profiling of this group based on “historically-constructed, persistent complex racism,” according to the European Network Against Racism (ENAR), in a report to raise awareness on this situation.

London gangs database is discriminatory and violates human rights

The gang-mapping database used by the London Metropolitan Police racially discriminates against BAME youth and seriously violates rights of individuals. Amnesty International published a damning report of the so-called Gangs Matrix last week, which calls for the whole system to be scrapped. The system, set up in 2011, is not only ineffective in preventing crime

Community Life Survey: Focus on Diversity

The publication highlights some of the key measures collected through the 2016/17 Community Life Survey and compares responses between various demographic groups. The survey is helpful for those looking for more information on how ‘cohesion’ works. It also dispels some long-held myths around ‘integration’. Key highlights: Older people were more likely than younger people to

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