September 2023

Black History Month 2023

This Black History Month, we honour the work, resilience and creativity of incredible Black thinkers, activists and theorists in the UK and beyond. We are endlessly appreciative of their knowledge, as it has taught us not only how to make sense of our current world, but to imagine a new one free from oppression.  This […]

Open Letter rejecting the Home Secretary’s abhorrent comments

We, the undersigned, condemn the comments made by the Home Secretary, Suella Braverman, on Tuesday that promote hostility towards migrants and migratised communities across Europe through racist and xenophobic rhetoric around “integration”. In her speech the Home Secretary named immigrants an “existential challenge for the political and cultural institutions of the West”. She referred to

MAP: First Workshop

The Migrants’ Aspiration Programme returned for 2023 to empower the new arrivals of BN(O) visa holders from Hong Kong. Thanks to the new Hong Kong Community Fund supported by the Greater London Authority and Groundwork, about 30 fellows in London joined the programme, and gave an overall rating of  8 out of 10 for the

Migrants’ Aspiration Programme for Hongkongers

The Migrants’ Aspiration Programme (MAP) is a Migrants’ Rights Network programme in collaboration with Hongkongers in Britain which aims to support participants’ development as community and political leaders. The programme builds on the success of MRN’s previous Migrants’ Aspiration Programme which ran from Jan 2022 until Feb 2023. The Greater London Authority (GLA) launched the

Statement: seven day notice eviction period

Refugees will now only have seven days notice before being evicted from their asylum support accommodation.  This “move-on” notice period falls drastically short of allowing refugees the time they need in order to secure alternative accommodation, and subsequently will subject many to houselessness. It makes no sense for our Government to recognise someone’s asylum claim,

Transformation not reform – International Day of Charity 2023

International Day of Charity fundamentally exists to celebrate the role charity plays in the world alongside notions of philanthropy. However, at MRN, we believe this day should mark a time for much-needed reflection. As members of civil society, we have to be honest with ourselves about why the charity sector exists, and must reckon with

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