March 19, 2020

Windrush: Call for Review into Institutional Racism in the Home Office

Today, as the Windrush Lessons Learned Review was published,  alongside 15 other race equality and migrant rights organisations , we called for an call for independent review into institutional racism in the Home Office. The full set of recommendations are:  1) The treatment of the Windrush generation was a terrible but predictable injustice. The Review […]

Vacancy- London Project Coordinator

Want to stand in solidarity alongside migrants in their fight for rights and justice? Then join us! This exciting role will suit a candidate with the confidence and zeal to build collaboration with and work alongside migrants, refugees, community organisations of diverse backgrounds, activists lawyers, and other key stakeholders to advance the rights of all migrants.  The role

Vacancy- Fundraising & Communications Manager

The fundraising and communications manager has a key role to play in MRN’s financial stability and diversifying its income streams. They will work closely with the Chief Executive Officer in planning and implementing MRN’s fundraising strategy  to grow and diversify our income, particularly from unrestricted sources, to sustain and develop our wor. The role holder

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