It has been yet another divisive month for the UK, and we hope you are all keeping well amidst all the chaos.
As life continues to get harder and harder for migrants living in the UK, have launched our Winter Migrant Solidarity Appeal. By donating to this appeal, you will be helping give migrants and migrant groups the tools they need to advocate for themselves.
This month, we have been busy with our Words Matter campaign. We have been publishing more explainers, speaking to journalists, asking people to take our Words Matter pledge and planning a really exciting event for International Migrants’ Day.
We’re also giving you a snippet of our statement on Qatar, informed by our lived experience as an intersectional team on migrants’ rights, queerness and Islamophobia. We also wanted to share a sneak peak of our contribution to the Landworkers’ Alliance’s 2023 Calendar!
Thank you for your support this year, and we wish you all a restful winter break and a happy new year. 2023 will undoubtedly bring more struggles, but we are committed to this fight, and we hope you will continue to stand with us.
In solidarity,
The MRN team
To read our December newsletter in full, click here.