Islamophobia, Migration Policy + Discourse

About this event

The Ukrainian conflict + the responses it elicited triggered a long-overdue discussion about how race + religion intersect with immigration + refugee policies.

Commentary such as “Ukraine isn’t a place like Iraq + Afghanistan” + “this is a civilised place” saturated both media + political narratives, further exemplifying the Islamophobia that is embedded in our views of conflict + wars across the globe.

Rising Islamophobia + the rapid ascent of anti-Muslim hatred stemming from the ‘War on Terror’ and other elements of our fractured societies, are increasingly influencing how we understand + respond to conflicts that affect Muslim migrants + refugees. It has even prompted some to push for measures to stop the flow of Muslim immigration into Europe.

This event will discuss how Islamophobia institutionally manifests itself through our policies + systems. Through their research + lived experience, our speakers will explore the tight grip that Islamophobia exerts at a political + societal level.


Dr Waqas Tufail: Senior Lecturer in Criminology in the School of Social Sciences, Leeds Beckett University.

An activist + community organiser, Waqas is co-founder of the Northern Police Monitoring Project, a grassroots initiative that works with communities affected by police harassment, brutality + racism. His activism very much informs his academic work.

Isobel Ingham-Barrow: CEO @ Community Policy Forum– an independent think-tank seeking to engage academics, policymakers + community groups in creating evidence-based + community centred approaches to policymaking surrounding the challenges + structural inequalities facing Muslim communities in the UK. Her PhD research at the University of Exeter explores the impact of Islamophobia on British Muslim men.

Co-CHAIR: Fizza Qureshi, CEO of MRN

Co-CHAIR: Linsay Taylor, MEND Regional Manager, Scotland



To register for this free event, click here.

How to access the event:

Emails will be sent to attendees with the relevant zoom link.

Who is Welcome? Series Updates

This is the third event in our ‘Who is Welcome?’ event series.

The recording for the first event can be accessed here.

Our reflections on the second event can be accessed here.

The recording for this event can be accessed here.

We will be posting all the latest announcements and updates regarding this series across all our other socials, which can be accessed via our Linktree.
#whoiswelcome 🏴

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