Policy Briefings

MRN’s Briefing on Legal Aid Changes

March 2011 The proposed changes to legal aid and what they could mean for migrants’ access to justice. Download here: MRN Legal Aid Briefing- 2011

MRN response to APPG inquiry into social integration

September 2016 MRN has responded to an inquiry into social integration by the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Social Integration. Broadly, MRN would like the UK’s current patchy approach to social integration take account of measures like those set out in the Migrant Policy Integration Index (MIPEX). These are summarised as: Anti-discrimination Labour market mobility Family

Home Affairs Committee inquiry into hate crime and its consequences

September 2016 This is a joint submission from Migrants’ Rights Network and the UK Race and Europe Network with evidence and views for the Home Affairs Committee inquiry into hate crime and its consequences. The effectiveness of current legislation and law enforcement policies for preventing and prosecuting hate crime and its associated violence The barriers

Submission on behalf of Migrants’ Rights Network and UK Race and Europe Network to the inquiry on the status of EU nationals in the UKSeptember 2016

Joint MRN/UKREN response to a panel of inquiry into the status of EU nationals. The response deals with: The question of granting permanent residence to EU nationals currently living in the UK Healthcare and benefit rights of EU nationals Cut-off dates Potential for increased immigration flows from the EU immediately before Brexit becomes ‘live’ Download

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