February 23, 2017

MRN response to APPG inquiry into social integration

September 2016 MRN has responded to an inquiry into social integration by the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Social Integration. Broadly, MRN would like the UK’s current patchy approach to social integration take account of measures like those set out in the Migrant Policy Integration Index (MIPEX). These are summarised as: Anti-discrimination Labour market mobility Family […]

Home Affairs Committee inquiry into hate crime and its consequences

September 2016 This is a joint submission from Migrants’ Rights Network and the UK Race and Europe Network with evidence and views for the Home Affairs Committee inquiry into hate crime and its consequences. The effectiveness of current legislation and law enforcement policies for preventing and prosecuting hate crime and its associated violence The barriers

Submission on behalf of Migrants’ Rights Network and UK Race and Europe Network to the inquiry on the status of EU nationals in the UKSeptember 2016

Joint MRN/UKREN response to a panel of inquiry into the status of EU nationals. The response deals with: The question of granting permanent residence to EU nationals currently living in the UK Healthcare and benefit rights of EU nationals Cut-off dates Potential for increased immigration flows from the EU immediately before Brexit becomes ‘live’ Download

Progress: 2006-2011

August 2012 The last five years have been eventful for MRN. We have grown from a small project to a fully-fledged organisation with a broad programme of activities and seven members of staff. This report highlights key events and milestones in our journey so far, from advocacy and project work to growth in the team

The family migration income threshold: Pricing UK workers out of a family life

June 2014 This briefing considers the impacts of the £18,600 minimum income requirement for non-EEA partner migration across the regions and countries of the UK. It uses Office of National Statistics (ONS) Annual Survey of Household Earnings data from 2013, broken down by parliamentary constituency of residence, to consider the potential impacts of this immigration

Migrant Voters in the 2015 General Election

January 2015 The migrant electorate will be a crucial constituency in the 2015 election. Around one voter in every ten eligible to vote in 2015 will be a migrant voter, and many more will be the children of migrants. This briefing intends to provide the latest analysis of migrant voters in England and Wales, and

Route to Your Rights Project – Preliminary Report

February 2017 The Route to your Rights (RTYR) project is a qualitative research and advocacy project, funded by the Paul Hamlyn Foundation and currently scheduled to run until January 2018. The project explores what makes migrants vulnerable to labour exploitation and homelessness in their first few years living in the UK, and in particular how

Building Progrssive Platforms: Annual Report 2010

Published: January 2011 A quick overview of the work MRN has done in 2010, with insights into our network building activities, communications strategy and new approaches to collaborative working. At the same time we look into the future and take stock of the challenges ahead. Our core activites for 2011 remain centred around promoting discussion,

Standing our Ground and Looking Ahead

Annual Report 2012 (April 2013) This is our Annual report for 2012. We continue to organise and campaig with groups across the UK on a number of key policy issues. We regularly appear in the media and in policy fora to promote a migrants’ rights approach. And we are now active in parliament, by providing

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